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Hang Ten, Dude! A Look At California Surfing History

California Surfing History

When you think of California hobbies, the first one that probably comes to mind is surfing! Have you ever wondered what the history of California surfing is? Like how people thought to get up on boards and "ride" waves to shore was a good idea? We looked into it and wanted to give a quick snapshot of this amazing sport and long-standing California hobby. California Surf History Flickr - Rian Castillo

Back In The Day

Looking back - and we mean way back - to 1885, we find the beginnings of a sport Californians love. We can't take the credit for the creation of surfing though, that goes to three Hawaiian princes who were visiting Santa Cruz and took the first Californian surf adventure on boards made of California redwood. After that, many Hawaiians visited the California coast in search of the perfect wave. In the 1930s, people who enjoyed surfing started to form surf clubs. It was during this time that Tom Blake, one of the first surfers in Malibu, created the Hollow Surfboard allowing additional agility in its lighter design. California Surfing History Flickr - Ryan Vaarsi

Hang Ten, Dude

After a break caused by WWII, surfing came back in full force with the introduction of foam and fiberglass boards. In 1959, the movie Gidget was released. It focused on young Californian's and "cool" surf dudes in their own cultural element - the beach. Though not seen as a particularly accurate representation by the surfing community itself, it did give rise to the popularity of surfing. That same year Huntington Beach held the first West Coast Surfing Championship. California Surfing History Flickr - Rachel Patterson

Competition or Hobie

It wasn't until 1980 that the competition side of surfing really took off when California entered into the World Pro Tour. To this day, all along the California coast, surfing competitions take place in addition to hobbyists who come out to enjoy the waves. Surfing at the Big, Bad, & Ugly Surf Contest, in Morro Bay, CA 1 Flickr - Mike Baird

Surfs Up

To some, surfing is more than a sport though, it's a lifestyle that takes dedication. A typical morning on the beach could look similar to the photo below. California Surf history Flickr - Richard Johnstone Surfers aren't turned off by foggy mornings or cooler temperatures. Their love for the sport goes beyond simple comforts. Instead, you will find many dedicated surfers out at the break of dawn riding the waves in wetsuits designed to cut some of the chill, but not all. California Surfing History Flickr - Wonderlane No matter what, surfing takes dedication - even when things don't go the way you planned. Surfer flipping on a top turn Flickr - Mike Baird But still, even cute little dogs like this like to surf ;) Flickr - Nathan Rupert The surfing community is a diverse one, but definitely a laid back one as well, which fits perfectly with the relaxed mindset of California. When you're out there on the waves, there's nothing else to worry about but the next wave...and maybe what's for lunch.

Do you surf? Why do you love it? Let us know in the comments below.

  Sources:, Cover Photo: Flickr - Jonas Witt

Best California races that will leave you breathless, dirty, and possibly fearing for your life

We've compiled a list of the best California races to put your endurance and strength to the test. Some are just plain fun and others will push you to (and maybe past) the breaking point. Which races are you up for?

Tough Mudder

Likely one of the better known mud runs, the Tough Mudder has everything you'll need to get dirty while challenging your endurance and team spirit. There are several California race locations including Patterson (Northern California) April 12-13, Tahoe August 16-17, and Temecula October 25-26. Be warned - the Tough Mudder isn't for the faint of heart! California Races Pinterest - from

Down and Dirty Obstacle Race

The Southern California location for this race is Castaic, Ca (Northern Los Angeles) and is held on April 13, 2014.  This races offers you the choice of a 3 mile or 6 mile course with over 20 obstacles including rope climbing, a rock wall, balance beans, marine hurdles, mud pits, and so much more! Participate in this race and you are guaranteed to walk away dirty.

Kiss Me Dirty Mud Run

This one's for the ladies (or, apparently, guys dressed up like ladies?). The Kiss Me Dirty Mud Run on April 26, 2014 in San Jose combines mud, foam, and color. It's like participating in three races at once! Lucky ladies that sign up for this gem of a race will have one thing in common: attitude. If this is you, make this your next California race!

The Color Run

Break out that nice white T-shirt and take a before and after selfie, because this run will not only give you a great workout, but a whole new colorful look. The Color Run, with a variety of locations in California, is a fun and easy 5k. The Orange County run is coming up May 10, 2014 so make sure and register soon! Grab three other friends and knock $5 off your entry fee! California Races Pinterest - from Nancy Tu

Mud n' Blood Zombie Run

Not for the faint of heart, this Mud and Zombie Run combines the elements of fear and grime to get your heart beating and your legs pumping. If you've been training for the impending Zombie Apocalypse and want to prove something (whether that's to you or to the people dressed up like zombies who will be chasing you) sign up now! The next race is June 7, 2014 but mark your calendars for The Zombie Run (a similar race) next year in March. California Races Photo from The Zombie Run via

Gladiator Rockin' Run

Take a trip to Irvine on June 14, 2014 for this 5k with 17 obstacles, a whole lot of mud, and even a free beer at the end (for those over 21 of course!). This is a great event to form a team and create a costume for!

The Slime Run

SLIME! There is nothing better than running through green goo. Ok, maybe there are some things that are better, but this is definitely near the top of the list. The next event is in Sacramento on June 21, 2014 or wait until October 25, 2014 for the Southern California race held in Lake Elsinore.

5k Foam Fest

This race is packed with foamy fun for everyone! You'll be muddy and clean all at the same time with the various obstacles in place during this 5k. With two locations in California, you have no excuse to get out of this! July 19, 2014 in Temecula and August 9, 2014 in Oakland. Register now to save your spot! California Races Found on 5K Foam Fest

The Great American Hero Obstacle Run (5k/10k)

The race supports heroes locally and abroad and is meant to challenge any fitness level! It's located near the San Joaquin River on August 23, 2014 and is a great event for the whole family with a focus on celebrating those who serve in the military and as civil servants.

Spartan Race

Crawl through mud, under wires, and jump over fire (among other obstacles) in the this hard-core race held in various locations world wide. The California race is held in Temecula on September 14, 2014. Dominate this run and you may just win an entry into the Super Spartan! California Races Flickr - cogdogblog

MuckFest 5k Mud Run

If these earlier races weren't enough for you (or it's taken you until the fall to gain the courage to join) sign up for the MuckFest 5k held in Los Angeles September 27, 2014. This race is a fundraiser for the MS foundation and  100% of funds raised will go to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society! You shouldn't need any better motivation than that ;)

Have we convinced you to sign up for a race that will leave you muddy and exhausted? If so, let us know which one in the comments below!

Source: Mud Jumper Cover Photo: From Rich-Joseph Facun Photography

Are you ready for the beach? How to stay fit California style

Sun, fun, and swimsuits are just around the corner. The big question is: are you ready for the beach? California offers some of the most beautiful beaches on the West Coast. With warm weather quickly approaching, fitting into that perfect swimsuit or pair of trunks is a must. We've got some fitness tips and tricks to share so you'll be ready for the beach just in time for summer!

California Meal Tips

Eating out: Everyone loves a great meal and there is nothing better than going out with friends, but eating out all the time can hurt your chances of being ready for the beach this summer. Some things to consider when you eat out:
  • What are you ordering? Check out the lighter menu options.
  • Do you know what's in your dish? Restaurants add a lot of fattening ingredients - watch things like dressings, sauces, and side dishes.
  • Whats a true portion size? They make take-out boxes for a reason!
  • Do you really need dessert? Usually, the answer is no.

California Fitness

Flickr-RoOoNa  Make it at home: Life is busy, but don't underestimate making your meals at home. Try making a salad the night before or bagging fruits and veggies as a snack or meal for the next day. Snacks: What are you snacking on? Sometimes we just crave something sweet or salty and that gets us in trouble.   Check out these snack substitutes:

  • Unsalted nuts in place of greasy chips
  • Carrots in place of Chex Mix
  • Fruit in place of a frappuccino
  • One serving of dark chocolate in place of a candy bar
  • Chew gum when you aren't hungry but feel the need to snack

California Fitness Tips

California Fitness Ready for the Beach

 Take the stairs: It may seem too early to trek all the way up to your office but it's definitely a great decision to get you ready for the beach! Take a walk: It's easy to stay in one spot all day. Consider using a portion (or all) of your lunch break to take a walk! The exercise will energize you and help you avoid an afternoon slump. Say no to soda: Cut out this sugary drink and replace it with water to see the results for yourself. This could make the difference in losing the last few pounds you can't seem to get rid of!

California Workouts to Help You Get Ready for the Beach

Cardio Cali Style: However you like to fit it in, carido is a vital part of any workout routine. Instead of running on a treadmill, try getting your cardio in California-Style. Some suggestions: biking, rollerblading, beach volleyball, or Ultimate Frisbee. The more you involve your friends, the more exciting these actives will be. Strength Training: Don't underestimate the power of adding weights to any workout routine. Ladies may shy away from this, but adding weights to your workout doesn't mean you'll bulk up like a body builder. It will, however, mean toning, definition, and weight loss. fitnessfirst bootcamp Flicrk-Fitness First Germany

Gym or no gym - that is the question: Can't seem to make it to the gym? Uninspired by staring at a blank wall? Try your workout outside. The fresh air, scenery, and visual stimulation can be a great motivator. Also try working out in groups. It's great motivation and perfect for accountability.

Have we inspired you? What keeps you motivated and ready for the beach?

Cover Photo: Flickr-Lumperjack

What to do on a rainy Saturday in California

Months ago, I signed up for my first of many 5K races this year and was completely psyched – I even compiled the perfect playlist for running. However, upon waking up this morning, I was greeted by steady rain, constant winds, and a dreary forecast: san jose hourly weather march 1 2014 Of course, the easiest alternative plan to take for such a catastrophe would be to spend the first Saturday of the month indoors, in fleece pajamas, sipping hot chocolate while binge-watching House of Cards on Netflix. However, if you’re desperate to get out of the house today, there’s a variety of activities you can look into that won’t involve having to be outdoors to bear the cold weather and has your brain constantly engaged, leaving no room to be depressed over the climate. Here are a couple of suggestions on what to do on a rainy Saturday in California, for your consideration:

1. Jump!

To cater to the kid within, take a trip to Presidio, San Francisco and visit House of Air. It is an indoor park that features jump structures comprised of more than 40 trampolines, including a few on the sides for maximum fun. You can freestyle, play trampoline dodge ball, and take classes! There’s even a Bounce House for kids ages 3 to 6. Fun, huh? Normally, weekend tickets sell out fast and House of Air recommends that you reserve slots ahead of time, but I took the liberty of checking today’s schedule, and it looks like there’s a lot of slots available! Go to the website and buy your tickets ASAP. House of Air March 1 schedule

2. Tour!

The Winchester Mystery House is a mansion in San Jose that used to belong to Sarah Winchester, widow of William Wurt Winchester, a gun magnate. Construction of the mansion took 38 years (from 1884 until Winchester’s death in 1922), mostly due to the widow’s belief that her family and wealth were constantly haunted by the ghosts of those who died because of the Winchester rifles and that building the house for their spirits would appease them. You can choose between touring just the mansion or the entire grand estate, both of which include a look into 110 of the 160 rooms in the house, windows built into floors, staircases and doors that lead to nowhere, and upside down posts! You can even learn a little bit more about the history of the place through a special behind-the-scenes tour. Day-of tickets must be purchased at the counter, but you can call ahead to ask about availability.

3. Climb!

If you’re the athletic and outdoorsy type and really looking forward to getting a workout in this weekend, you can check out MesaRimClimbing & FitnessCenter in San Diego, a place that boasts to be the largest and tallest climbing gyms in the west coast. With over 200 routes, 150 boulder problems, and 450 lead bolts, any mountain climbing aficionado would love the scaling the walls of Mesa Rim. mesa rim climbing The facilities include a center for yoga classes, a ping pong table, board games, and a library. Their rates include an all-in-one day pass that give you access to climbing, yoga, and fitness

4. Fly!

Who says you have to be outdoors to skydive? iFly Hollywood gives you an idea of what it’s like to jump out of an airplane 2,500 feet high, only you’re indoors and safe within the confines of a booth with a strong blower. It’s a lot more fun than it looks and requires less courage to actually do if you’ve been dreaming of one day giving skydiving a try and are always finding excuses to bail. You can book your flight today. Other locations in California include one in San Francisco and one in Perris Valley.

Snowboarding in the Desert?

So everybody knows that you can go both surfing and snowboarding all in one day in California. But did you know that you could also throw in Desert boarding? You definitely would need a few extra toys to get the job done, but check out how these guys did some shredding on the dunes of Glamis. Source: Network A Youtube Channel

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